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Tins of all kinds
Beautiful picture tins
Japanese tins
Square tins
Butterfly-shaped tins
Triangular tins
Wooden or papier mâché
Cleaning pads tins
Large tins
Advertising tins
HMV assortment tins
Cylindrical tins
Book-shaped tins
Round tins
Swiss tins
One pattern, hundreds of tins : four series to discover
Czech Sem brand tins
Thematic serie with arabic tins
Chronicle of a collection
Why so many tins?
Around the tins
Sales or swap / Ventes ou échanges
Links / Liens
Tribute to Gabriel Gössel
Tribute to Ruth Lambert
Wooden or papier mâché boxes
Lithographed sheet metal has been the principal material used for needles boxes. However boxes exist too in wood, papier-mâché, cardboard, bakelite or plastic.
D'autres sortes de boîtes - Other kind of tins
Advertising tins
Beautiful picture tins
Book-shaped tins
Butterfled-shaped tins
Cleaning pads tins
Cylindrical tins
HMV assortment tins
Japanese tins
Large tins
Round tins
Square tins
Swiss tins
Triangular tins
Wooden or papier mâché boxes