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JUST ARRIVED! Recent acquisitions
Wanted / Je recherche
Tins of all kinds
Beautiful picture tins
Japanese tins
Square tins
Butterfly-shaped tins
Triangular tins
Wooden or papier mâché
Cleaning pads tins
Large tins
Advertising tins
HMV assortment tins
Cylindrical tins
Book-shaped tins
Round tins
Swiss tins
One pattern, hundreds of tins : four series to discover
Czech Sem brand tins
Thematic serie with arabic tins
Chronicle of a collection
Why so many tins?
Around the tins
Sales or swap / Ventes ou échanges
Links / Liens
Tribute to Gabriel Gössel
Tribute to Ruth Lambert
Cylindrical tins
Just have a look on these tins… which actually are not tins but tubes !
All my cylindrical tins:
D'autres sortes de boîtes - Other kind of tins
Advertising tins
Beautiful picture tins
Book-shaped tins
Butterfled-shaped tins
Cleaning pads tins
Cylindrical tins
HMV assortment tins
Japanese tins
Large tins
Round tins
Square tins
Swiss tins
Triangular tins
Wooden or papier mâché boxes